Episode 88: Stage director, dramaturg – Sara Widzer

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Sara Widzer is my guest, this week. Sara and I met once-upon-a-time, during a production of Faust. I had a tie-on beard. That’s how long ago. She’s since gone on to direct in A houses across the country. Directorial style, the process, and politics in opera are all on the table, along with a whole bunch more interesting stuff. Enjoy, and thanks for listening!

Episode 86: Comedian, entrepreneur, filmmaker, author, and all-around polymath – Louise Palanker

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Louise Palanker is a true polymath. Comedian, author, performer, radio host, and entrepreneur are just a few words to describe her many fields of expertise, and we talk about it all in this great episode. She was also a witness for the prosecution and her eventual (and current) husband, Ron Zonen, during the Michael Jackson trial in 2005- and yes, we talk about that, along with sexual harassment at The Comedy Store, working on shows from That’s Incredible to Rick Dees Weekly Top 40, and a whole bunch of other stuff, too. I loved talking with Louise, and I bet you’ll love listening to her- enjoy!

Episode 76: Singer, actress, author- Gloria Loring

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The indomitable Gloria Loring, y’all! We talk childhood, her marriage to Alan Thicke, divorce, motherhood, her number one hit, “Friends and Lovers”, Days of our Lives, and a whole bunch more! Happy Labor Day and thanks for listening- Enjoy!

Episode 55: Julia Aks

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Multidisciplinarian, Julia Aks, is my guest this week. She’s a mezzo-soprano, friend, and colleague from LA Opera, but that’s not all she does. She’s an aerialist, actor, intermittent dancer, and probably also does a bunch of other stuff that we didn’t cover. She very well may be the next big thing in this here town, so keep a lookout. Happy Monday, everybody, and I hope you like our little chat!

Episode 53: Jonathan Mangum

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Comedian Jonathan Mangum is my guest this week. He co-hosts Let’s Make a Deal with Wayne Brady, and is a regular guest on Who’s Line is it, Anyway? He’s funny, witty and very pleasant as we discuss his professional background, improv training and the role of the artist in this heightened political climate. Have a great week, and I hope you enjoy the chat!

Episode 47: Kristin Towers-Rowles

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Multi-award-winning actress, singer, dancer, and director, Kristin Towers-Rowles is my guest this week. A mainstay of the Los Angeles theater community, Kristin is a consummate professional on stage, and off stage, she’s frank, forthcoming and engaging. During our chat, we talk about politics, the LA theater community, growing up in a Hollywood family and all sorts of very personal stuff that many of you may relate to- I sure did. Enjoy!

Episode 46: Brandon Ogborn – Part 1

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This is Brandon Ogborn. We had a two-hour-long conversation. We may be partnering up on a new show idea he has, which I think you all will enjoy, and he wrote a play called The Tomkat Project, which is the story of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. I loved it, and I know you will too, so I think you should pick up a copy here: www.brandonogborn.com/. Enjoy part one of our very long, but very entertaining chat, and thanks for listening!

Check out the continuation of our chat below:

Parts 2 3 4

Episode 19: Carla Jimenez

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Carla Jimenez is a working actress in Los Angeles. You may have seen her in films such as, Lady in the Water, Nacho Libre and Accepted, and in the television shows Lincoln Heights, My Name is Earl and Desperate Housewives, and currently on Raising Hope and Last Man Standing. She’s had a long career in film and television, and supports herself solely as an actress, which is no easy feat. She’s insightful, fun, and hard working and I was grateful to hear her story! Enjoy!

Episode 15: Leila Charles Leigh

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Leila Charles Leigh and I talk a lot about juggling kids with work, and where the two intersect. For me, it’s a reminder that I’m not alone in dealing with disappointment and the trap of myopic perspective where success and failure are concerned. Leila is charming and sparkly, and it was great catching up with her. Thanks for listening- enjoy!

Episode 12: Bradon McDonald

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On this episode, I interview Bradon McDonald of Project Runway fame. We also discuss his time with the Mark Morris Dance Group, growing up in a crowded house, getting out of a small town to eventually become one of the country’s premier dancers and fashion designers. Our chat is a study in passion, perseverance and dedication- things that I wish I had more of , at least compared to Bradon. My thanks goes out to Josh Winograde for facilitating our meeting- enjoy!