Episode 60: Sharon Farber

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Film and TV composer, Sharon Farber, is my guest this week. I’ve known Sharon for a number of years, and I’m always excited to bump into her around town. She’s a brilliant composer of concert music (as well as the Hollywood stuff), and through her music, she is also an admirable advocate for issues near and dear to her, particularly gender equality in music and Holocaust remembrance, both of which we talk at great lengths about in this interview. Sharon has always fought the good fight, and I was really happy to spend some time catching up with her. Thanks for listening!

Episode 59: Haim Mazar

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Film and TV composer, Haim Mazar is my guest this week. I met Haim a few years ago on a crazy gun-for-hire musical theater project. Taking a variety of work is one of the topics we discuss, along with the process of composing, orchestrating and the pitfalls and challenges of the film and TV business. I think Haim is a great guy, and I know you’ll think so, too. Thanks for Listening!

Episode 51: Eric Whitacre 2017 – Part 2

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Here’s part two of my chat with Eric Whitacre. This is how we talk a good part of the time, so I hope you enjoy this meandering conversation between friends. We cover a lot of ground, and I tend to talk less on this one, so that’s a plus. Thanks for listening, and have a great week!

Episode 50: Eric Whitacre 2017 – Part 1

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Part one of a two-parter with Eric Whitacre. Eric and I have been friends for the better part of two decades, and that’s what you get with this chat. We ramble, laugh, joke, and get into some pretty serious issues- You know, all the stuff that friends talk about. It’s just us, behind the scenes, having a conversation, no more, no less. Enjoy, and thanks for listening!

Episode 49: Eric Whitacre 2016

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Eric, Eric, Eric. I thought I’d keep on with the theme. Last week you heard some of my past guests answer Eric Whitacre’s infamous question, asking, “What do you know now, that you didn’t know at this time, last year?” This week, we’re looping back to my (second) first guest, Eric Whitacre. Next Week, we’ll be picking up with… you guessed it… Eric Whitacre. It looks like January is Eric Whitacre month. I’ve successfully used the name, “Eric Whitacre” at least four times, here. Mission accomplished- Thanks for listening!

Episode 38: Jake Runestad

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Jake Runestad is my guest this week. He’s handsome, talented and really, really sweet. I mean, really- WTF? He’s a terrific composer from the mid-west who happened to be in Los Angeles AND he reached out to me to be on the show. I guess we’re officially members of the mutual-admiration club, now. I really enjoyed listening to his work in preparation for the interview, and I’m glad I got to know this fine fellow a little bit over the course of our conversation. I hope you enjoy our chat as much as I did!

Episode 33: John Powell – Part 2

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Part two of my two-part interview with the great John Powell. Enjoy!

Episode 32: John Powell – Part 1

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I’m thrilled to have composer John Powell as my guest this week. He is a titan in the film music world, and a thoughtful, brilliant human being. Our chat went long, so it’s a two-parter. I hope you enjoy it, and make sure to tune in next week for part two. Thanks for listening!

Episode 30: Dale Trumbore

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Composer Dale Trumbore is my guest this week. I love her compositional style, her pragmatic attitude and the fact that she came over to have a nice chat for the show. She’s easy going and thoughtful, and I know you’ll like the interview as much as I did. Enjoy!

Episode 29: Michael Nielsen

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/276881507&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false"></iframe>

Composer/producer Michael Nielsen is my guest this week. He’s a founding partner of Ninja Tracks, the premier creators of film trailer and video game music. I guarantee you’ve heard a lot of their stuff, if you like going to the movies. Or maybe you’ve seen his YouTube or Facebook channel, Big Hairy Guitars? Michael is a sensitive and very nice fellow, and I’m happy to call he and his partners Kaveh and Collin, friends. I hope you enjoy our chat, and thanks for tuning in!